Michigan's laws that govern motor vehicles are contained within Chapter 257 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. Michigan's laws that proscribe operating while intoxicated ("OWI") are codified in MCL § 257.625.
A low tier, first time conviction of driving while intoxicated in Michigan carries up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine, 360 hours of community service, a 180 day license suspension, and six points on one's driving record. The possible penalties only increase if the person is a repeat-offender or if they are caught with a high amount of intoxicants in their system, which is defined by law.
Ohio's traffic laws are codified in Section 4511 of the Ohio Revised Code. The relevant subsections of Section 4511 that pertain to operating a vehicle while under the influence ("OVI") are:
A low tier, first time conviction of driving while intoxicated in Michigan carries up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine, 360 hours of community service, a 180 day license suspension, and six points on one's driving record. The possible penalties only increase if the person is a repeat-offender or if they are caught with a high amount of intoxicants in their system, which is defined by law.
Ohio's traffic laws are codified in Section 4511 of the Ohio Revised Code. The relevant subsections of Section 4511 that pertain to operating a vehicle while under the influence ("OVI") are:
Judge Jennifer P. Weiler of the Garfield Heights Municipal Court has created a chart that lists the possible ramifications for operating a vehicle while under the influence. For a low tier, first time OVI conviction, a defendant faces up to six months in jail, a fine of up to $1,075, court-ordered alcohol counseling, a driving license suspension of up to three years, restricted license plates, an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicles, active probation for up to five years, and six points on your driving record. If a person is convicted of OVI who has been convicted of it before or if the person is caught with an amount of intoxicating substances of an excessive amount as defined by law, then the possible punishments increase.
Pursuant to current Ohio law, a conviction of OVI is not eligible for expungement and sealing.
Needless to say, laws that concern drunk driving are verbose, convoluted, and carry significant penalties, and so it is critical that a layman who is charged with driving while under the influence immediately and privately consult with an attorney.
Pursuant to current Ohio law, a conviction of OVI is not eligible for expungement and sealing.
Needless to say, laws that concern drunk driving are verbose, convoluted, and carry significant penalties, and so it is critical that a layman who is charged with driving while under the influence immediately and privately consult with an attorney.